I had a post all drawn out on my reasons for leaving but it was all mopey and depressing. In a nutshell, after 5 fun filled years of playing Eve Online it is time to move on.
Of course not playing Eve will make blogging about Eve pretty hard to do and so this is probably my last blog post on wtfims.
To that end, I thought I would share a few of WTFIMS's vital statistics from Google Analytics...
Total visits: 17,220
Page views: 29,006
Absolute Unique Visitors: 9,608
After the homepage, the most viewed individual blog post was: Confessions of a carebear with 1450 views (incidentally my own favourite post).
Most random search engine keywords that some how lead people to my site:
Qcats Eve Blog: 36 hits
eve online gay corp: 25 hits
carebear corps: 6 hits
grow some balls: 4 hits
eve online lexx: 2 hits (haha you have a stalker lexx!)
balls that grow in hands: - 1 hit (wtf...)
Most disappointed visitors have got to be these peeps:
eve online where is my ship: 6 hits
i can't see my ship eve: 3 hits
eve how to find my ship: 2 hits
Most disturbing statistic: 14% of visitors are still using Internet Explorer. C’mon now people, it’s time to let go..
People from over 60 different territories have found their way to my little site. I love that, mmos unite the world!
The top 5 countries for visitors were:
1. America
2. Great Britian
3. Australia
4. Canada
5. Germany
My fav location stat though is the "2 visitors" I get from United Arab Emeirates... my eve friend emigrated there a couple of years ago, so I'm guessing he's read my site at at work as well as at home haha!
Now then, onto the sort of point I am slowly trying to make here. Yes there is an actual point I promise.
65% of all my visitors have come via referring sites. After Eve-O, Google and my corp's forum the biggest referral sites were Life in lowsec, Crazy Kinuxs Musings, evebloggers.com and Antiquityinspace.
When I saw this I decided to count up the total number of referring sites that were fellow eve bloggers or player made websites – I gave up when I got to 100!
One thing I learned quickly was that the more you interact with others on the blog-o-sphere and the more generous you are with your own promotion of other people the more others will interact with you. And when this happens up go the number of people coming to see your site.
And so I'd like to say a HUMONGOUS THANK YOU to everyone who has enjoyed reading this site and to everyone who has pimped the blog or a particular post. Especially mucho thanks those who talked CK into adding me to the blog-pack. This was a huge honour for me, I hope I was worthy.
I would also like to send out some internet hugz to Laedy, Lexx, Drackarn, Mynxee, Crazy Kinux, Arrhidaeus, Kuan, Jarred, and CCP TonyG. Whether for pimping my posts, encouraging me to carry on, being generous with your comments/cross-linking or simply because you are a total Factional Warfare fanboi noob, like me - I thank you!
And last but not least - because she won't have access to my corp forum and I cannot drop an Eve mail now - Dian, I really enjoyed your company (thanks to the WGOE channel). I regret that we never got to fly together or have a 1v1. I think we could have had a right giggle noobing it up together. I enjoyed our little chats and I hope you continue to have fun in Eve, even if you are a dirty squid :P
If anyone would like to keep in touch I will still be hanging around on twitter.com/EelisKiy and you can always reach me at eeliskiy@googlemail.com
Fly wasted o/