Wednesday, 27 April 2011


Forgive me a quick penis wave.

We noticed today that the new issue of EON magazine has listed the top corporations, Alliances and individuals based on kills/value of kills during December 2010 and February 2011.

Well SoTF made it to the number 9 spot for corporations. So I'd like to say YAAAY and go team FW noobs :)

Also congrats to Laedy who is at the number 18 spot for Individual pilots and Loren Gallen who is at number 19. Some other names I recognise are AshenSugar at number 6 and Jarowit at number 20. Kudos to all!!

/End penis waving :p


  1. HAHA awesome!

    Do you have a link to this or can you do a scan of the magazine article for me?
    I haven't pvp'ed much at all in ages, I can't remember what I was doing back in December/February... seems so long ago!

  2. I'm intrigued to see where/if The Tuskers placed at all during that time! If they did let me know =D

    Congrats on 9th!

  3. I have seen a scan - I wasnt sure if EON might get miffed about copyright or something though so did't put a link up here. I'll drop you an eve-mail though Laedy.

    @Kishin - Tuskers are number THREE! :)
