Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Doing lots of Eve stuff, whilst not doing any Eve stuff o_0

Well that is the only title I could come up with. It's been a long day...

New blog project
I have been rather tied up of late with my new project; The Alliance website/blog for Shadow Wolves [.NET]

Just because we have a shit name doesn’t mean we have to have a shit website right? :D So here is the current look, the header is temporary (yes I know its w@nk) www.shadowwolves.net

It's been a while since I attempted anything with Wordpress but it is starting to take shape at last. Hopefully the site will become an interesting blog site as well as an Alliance info-site.

Clear Skies 3
If for some reason you didn't know this already, it's here, NOW!

Go get --> clearskiesthemovie.com

The Laedy speaks
The latest VandV podcast includes an interview with Laedy (interview starts around 31:00) which includes some info on the WGoE channel.

That’s it for now. Never know I might actually get some pewpew in to write about soon :P

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